A gastric bypass surgery is usually one of the last options that people diagnosed with morbid obesity turn to in order to lose weight. It’s not an option recommended for every patient and it does have its risks, but when it is performed and managed carefully, it can be a very effective means to help a patient lose hundreds of pounds and keep them off.

An important aspect of gastric bypass surgery is diet. The surgery changes the physical structure of the patient’s digestive system, which requires him or her to eat less, effectively regulating the amount of food (and calories) he or she takes. With a smaller stomach, the patient feels fuller sooner, so only small meals are taken at a time.

Why a Gastric Bypass Diet Is Important

After the surgery, a normal stomach that could hold approximately 1 quart of food could now only hold about 1 ounce. In time, the stomach will be able to hold about 4-8oz. of food. A specially formulated gastric bypass diet allows the stomach to manage food in small amounts and digest food efficiently while undergoing the healing process.

Initially, a liquid diet is recommended for the patient, making it easier for the stomach to process the food. The liquid diet also doesn’t force the digestive system to work hard, something that might have a negative effect on the stomach since it is still recovering from the surgery.

As the patient’s digestive system gets used to processing food, other foods are gradually introduced, but of soft consistency, such as pureed vegetables, fruits and lean meats. The patient can then progress to regular food over a period of several weeks.

Although a gastric bypass diet in itself can lead to effective weight loss, it’s also important for the patient to be aware of the right food to eat. Fat burning foods also offer an efficient means to get rid of excess fat and keep them off. These include:

  • Sources of Vitamin C such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and limes
  • Sources of pectin and antioxidants such as blueberries, strawberries and apples
  • Sources of micro-vitamins and minerals such as cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, celery and cauliflower
  • Sources of protein such as soy and soy products and lean meats