Anyone looking for a quality treadmill can look into a ProForm treadmill to find a machine to accommodate his or her fitness or weight loss needs.  ProForm has a variety of machines, so one should be able to find just the one he or she wants in terms of special features, pricing and other factors one wants in a treadmill. For instance, if price is one of the primary factors under consideration, the Performance 400 is a viable option.

This machine is designed to help the user maximize endurance, improve speed and enhance training. There are many special features using popular technologies such as iFit Live, Nike + iPod and Google Maps to help enhance the overall workout experience. There are also other practical features such as a space saving design, a dual grip EKG heart rate monitor and an LED display to track calories burned, distance, speed and time. This model costs only about $600.

The PRO 450 has many of the same type of features as the Performance 400 such as the iFit compatibility, space saving design and a heart rate monitor. However, this model also includes a ten-inch full color touch screen display and an android web browser. This allows the user to go online during the workout and read email, check the news and weather and perform other web chores without slowing down the workout. This machine costs nearly $3,000.

Those who need a machine between these two extremes can consider the $1,500 Performance 1450.  The above-mentioned features of the PRO 450 are included as well as other elements such as the ProShox Plus cushioning system to provide a more comfortable surface and reduce the impact to the joints. There are many other machines from ProForm, and all of them worth the investment, so the real question becomes how much can you spend? Once you determine that, you can pick the treadmill that has the most features possible within your budget.